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r e s t o r i n g   h a b i t a t

Coastal civilizations need protection from rising sea levels. Coral reefs and marshlands help protect from intensified wave action and flooding. Call your local government and let them know you want to protect your coast in order to protect your community! Just last year, the Army Corps of Engineers helped restore a marshland near Stoneharbor, New Jersey, protecting the nearby community.

Coral reef restoration efforts have been growing and improving over the last few decades. A method that produces quick coral growth is called fragmentation; large pieces of coral divided into smaller chunks, or fragments, continue to grow and are able to cover more surface area in the reef. You can support this effort by donating to Mote Marine Laboratory’s International Center for Coral Reef Research and Restoration

Interested in knowing which reefs in your country are protected? Check out the Atlas of Marine Protection and use their interactive map to learn about marine protected areas near you. Being informed about which areas are protected allows us to speak out when future marine protected areas are either proposed or threatened

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